

Logiciel de tracabilité des clés couplé avec des boites à clés connectées

Presentation and activity

Myloby supports its customers in the management and security of their key sets. Our software allows you to manage and track all key exchanges, deposits, and withdrawals to prevent any loss. We use blockchain technology to certify and timestamp each transaction, making the information immutable. Our solution therefore provides for tracking and securing not only the exchange of keys for the homes of people receiving home care, the secure access of nursing homes, family homes, or IMEs, but more generally to secure comings and goings and reinforce existing alert systems. We thus allow you to secure all access and prevent intrusions in risky or private areas. In addition to our access management and security software, we have developed an API to make Myloby functional with connected key boxes. These key boxes will operate with a unique code that changes every 15 minutes. The code will be retrieved by email or SMS. This will allow us to facilitate access to the homes of seniors 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, whether it is a one-off or exceptional intervention, such as an emergency intervention by the emergency services for example.

Products / Services

Myloby key management and security software allows for key tracking and traceability.

Connected key boxes make it easy to retrieve keys 24/7. The key box works with the management software, which provides a history of all withdrawals and deposits.

Contact us

9 rue des Colonnes
75002 PARIS
Contact : Timothée MAUCOUR
Phone : 07 57 40 92 16
Email :

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