

We are video games creators for more social connections.

Presentation and activity

We are an independent video game studio located in Lyon (France).

Our mission is to create fun and adapted solutions with a strong social impact.

Our objectives: to promote social connections among the most isolated elderly people, avoid the digital divide and facilitate relationships between generations.

Products / Services

Helpy is a cooperative and inclusive video game aimed at seniors, the elderly and their families.
With Helpy we share a good time and have fun as a duo and between generations.
We play fun, ergonomic and stimulating games together on the same tablet.
Our objective: to recreate links between the youngest and their elders, but also to promote social bonds among the most isolated people with innovative and inclusive tools.
Our games are suitable for all ages from 7 to 99 and offer innovative features.


Our solution is available for families on Google Play and for medical-social establishments (Ehpads, Senior Residences, Independent Residences) and Social Centers.

Alongside the game, we offer our subscribers free activities to download and inspiring conferences on themes related to aging well and the cause of caregivers.

For structures, we offer collective “Play Workshops” with our tablets and our ready-to-play solution.

Contact us

65 rue Hénon, LE STUDIO
69004 LYON
Contact : Stéphanie Herrbach

Email :

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