

Matching for home services : we help companies to find custemores and recruit employees.

Presentation and activity is a marketplace for local services (home services, retirement houses, kindergarden, tutoring...).

For the PRO, Aladom has solutions to find new customers (qualified leads) and to find employees (Aladom Recruiter).

Aladom has been present since the first edition in 2007 of the Salon des services à la personne et de l’emploi à domicile.

Products / Services

Aladom Leads : for companies looking for new prospects.

Aladom Recruteur Essentiel : our HR solution : multidiffusion of job offers, Access to 30000 profils with Curiculum Vitae...


Aladom Recruteur Performance : All the advantages of Aladom Recruteur Essentiel + our Application Tracking System (ATS).

Our ATS provides all the tools to simplify the recruiting process.

Contact us

2bis Place Saint-Melaine
35000 RENNES
Contact : Amélie James
Phone : 0756787518
Email :

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